M A Y - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Hey y’all! We made it to South Korea! It’s been such a different atmosphere than it was in England, the people are so kind and hospitable and the culture is all about respect. I’ve learned a little bit of Korean while I’ve been here, like how to say thank you (gamsahamnida) and hello (annyeong haseyo)! Outreach here has been a lot more shows than in England. We have done 14/15 shows and our last show is on Wednesday! So crazy!

A day in Korea for outreach would look like:

5:30 a.m. Wake up and do full show makeup

6:00 a.m. Pack the team luggage and get on bus to head to venue (sometimes 1-2 hours away)

7-8:00 a.m. Start setting up for Coming Home show

9-9:30 a.m. Pray over our space and the audience that will be watching

10-11:00 a.m Finish setting up and pray for each other (dancers, singers, actors)

11:00 a.m. Show time! (45-50 min production of the Prodigal son story)

12:10 p.m. Lunch provided by our wonderful hosts :)

1-2:00 p.m. Pack up and leave to next destination or back to the hostel

3-5 p.m Set up at next venue or whatever God has in store

6:30 p.m. Dinner time! Made by my team :)

To be honest it hasn’t felt like we have done a lot of ministry while being here because we do a show and then (because we have only a limited amount of time at the venues) we leave. Korea is very organized and you HAVE to be on time or else it’s considered very disrespectful. But they are the sweetest people you will ever meet. They gave us lots of delicious Korean food and cared for each of us. This morning God reminded me of the verse “for we by faith, not by sight.”- 2 Corinthians 5:7 and I’ve been thinking that since in England we had so many relationships and fruits from evangelism that in Korea we haven’t had that but that’s not true! God moves more than we think and when we pray over the audience and when they watch the show, lives are touched and they could relate to a character or a dance piece. It’s not our fruits but God’s. I have faith that thru each show God has been working in the hearts and lives of the audience. Thank you all for you prayers! I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to be apart of Heartbridge! Thank y’all so much for helping me be at part of this! I love you all so much and am praying for y’all every day! 

In Him,

Abi :)

I made little encouragement cards for  the girls! The top one says “you are beautiful” and the bottom one says “Jesus loves you”

Some Korean ice pop with Bren :)

We saw this coffee shop and thought it was so cool!

Went to Gyeongbokgung Palace for a team day :)

Breakfast with God :)

In town

Ella and I after a show :)

Went to the hospital cause of my asthma but I’m ok now :)

Bento box! Fish eggs, salad, veggies, rice, and chicken with wasabi mayoooo

High school that we performed at!

An art school venue :)

Our room :) 

A beautiful place we stayed at with Heartbridge Junior students :)

 tteokbokki! A simmered rice cake :) We made it right in front of us! So good!

Another venue at an all girls middle and high school :)

View from our hostel

Krysta and I’s one on one :)


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