Why I want to be a missionary

 Ever since I crossed the boarder from El Paso, TX into Juarez, Mexico in my missionary friend’s tan van, I felt a deep calling to help the people around me. There was an instant difference from America to Mexico. The line to get into America was miles long. Looking out the window my heart sank, there was trash everywhere and there were so many people on the streets and an endless amount of stray dogs. There were no words for what we saw. Juarez is known as the waiting place because people come there for the hope of going to America but for most of them its taken so long that they just lose hope. Every house has a fence, made of anything they can find or build. Some tires, plastic or wood platforms, metal fences, and all kinds of things. My favorite part about being down there was the orphanage. I fell in love with the kids and wanted to stay there forever, we played soccer (which they destroyed us in) and pato, pato, ganso (duck, duck, goose) with the little angels on our necks which was slightly challenging. We also pushed them on the swings and spun them, I remember one of the girls got so dizzy she was laughing as she fell over. I’ve never heard a more precious laugh. So as you can see, my heart was forever changed by these wonderful people and children, and I’m so excited for what God has in store next. 

‘He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”- Mark 16:15

In Him,


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