A P R I L - P S A L M 8 9

 Hey y’all! We have been in England for the past 5 weeks and we leave for South Korea tomorrow! We have been from Harpenden to Luton, from Luton to London, from London to Harpenden, from Harpenden to Nuneaton, and from Nuneaton back to Luton performing side pieces in the streets and doing our 45 minute production in churches and schools! God is so good you guys! He has been paving the way everywhere we go and it has been such an amazing time in England and I’m so grateful that we’ve had this wonderful opportunity to spread the Good News with everyone we meet! There are SO many testimonies about people we have prayed over and ministered to, and how much the Holy Spirit has just been ever present in our conversations. I personally have been so amazed by the impact that performing arts can have on people! It brings such a different atmosphere filled with joy, hope and peace! Thank you all for your prayers! Please be praying for safe travels and for the girls that are sick. Keeping you all in my prayers! I love y’all!

In Him, 


A beautiful starry night at our YWAM Harpenden base :)

An apple orchard at the base, my favorite place to spend time with my Father 

YWAM Harpenden! (The base we stayed at for outreach)

Devo times :)

We went to the place where the Beatles posed! And we did the same!

The one the only…. Big Ben! And Westminster Abbey!

This is where we did some of our Wimbledon outreach!

Some yummy Indian foodsss

Makin dinner together!

Olivia and I after one of our shows


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